Ultra High Flow Valve Pack (UHFVP)

The Jupiter Ultra High Flow Valve Pack (UHFVP) provides accurate, proportional, unidirectional, pressure compensated flow control for very high flow applications up to 160 L/min.

The pressure compensation keeps the flow rate constant as the output load changes. Under high load the pressure drop across the valve is very low. At 160 L/min typically no more than 15 bar, and less as the flow demand is reduced.


  • Provides unidirectional pressure compensated proportional flow control up to 160 L/min & 345 bar
  • Low pressure drop
  • Compact lightweight housing
  • Depth Rating: 4,000m (options to 6,000m)
  • Can be used with any Jupiter Control System fitted with a HFVP connector (uses standard HFVP cable & Jupiter Interface)
  • Internal pressure transducer options to allow accurate load power measurement (2 x 4-20mA differential pressure transducers, 10, 250 or 400 bar, 0.2% accuracy)
  • Provision for mounting on 2 faces

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